Tuesday 19 August 2008

Vive le Sel!

The lack of recent posts has been because we have been away on holiday in the Dordogne region of France. Very nice it was too (especially because the weather in the UK was so bad!) but we did have to abandon our healthy diet temporarily. OK, we didn't have to, but you can't go on holiday and not eat out, and I wasn't about to spend hours slaving in the kitchen.

Although more people seem to cook from scratch there, there also seems to be more of a reliance on ham, cheese and bread, and so reports from government research body INSERM show that the French end up consuming 10g of salt a day - more than in the average UK diet, which is now 8.4g per day (although the "everyday" cheese there is Emmental which is much lower in sodium that the cheddar which we Brits use for everything).

It seems that they have no immediate plans to change anything - a recently proposed VAT rise on unhealthy foods to 19.6% has been abandoned due to the credit crunch. So let's hope that all those unhealthy eating habits are cancelled out by red wine.

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