Saturday, 1 November 2008

Sodium Levels in Shop Bought Bread

Thanks to matatabby for the photo
A recent report in the Independent raised concerns about salt levels in shop-bought bread; they particularly picked on Warburtons, but the stats at the end of the article show that levels are high in loaves from most manufacturers.

Yet another reason to bake your own. My bread machine is churning away as I type...


Ellie said...

Hi Ann, I wonder if you can tell me which bread machine you have please? I'm considering getting one but unsure which is right for me. Thanks

AnnC said...

Hi Ellie -

Mine is a Panasonic SD-254. It does fine, but a standard white loaf takes a little too long to do in a weekend evening, and to be cool enough to make sandwiches for the following day. It has a fastbake option, but that makes a much less tasty loaf.