Tuesday, 1 July 2008

Bento - Laptop Lunches

Since we started on this low-sodium thing, I have been trying (and, with a couple of excusable exceptions, managing), to make Mr C a low sodium sandwich for his lunch every day. However, as there are only so many things you can put into a sarnie, it has started to get a little boring for him. I'm also keen to wean our eldest off her salty sandwiches which she has at the childminder's three afternoons a week, and so have invested in bento lunchboxes.

After the Muji website let us down (our order disappeared down a black hole), and a search of eBay turned up some cute boxes which were perhaps not entirely appropriate for a grown man working at an investment bank (although I found it hard to resist this lion), I stumbled across Laptop Lunches, from California, stocked by Becky and Lolo in the UK. I've bought a pink one for the little one, and a sensible manly navy blue one for the husband.

Although Japanese food is often salty (all that soy sauce...), I have lots of other ideas, and our daughter enjoyed plain rice, chicken, carrot sticks and hummous, and some fruit today. The boxes come with a little book of ideas and recipes which, although a little American, is already providing inspiration.

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