Friday, 16 October 2009

Nina and the Neurons Go Low Sodium

It seems as though my obsession has become more widespread, with even pre-school science experts Nina and the Neurons getting in on the act. Thanks to the BBC for the undoubtedly copyrighted image.

Getting Help and Advice - the BPA

Just wanted to highlight the great work by Fiona and Liz, the Blood pressure Association nurses who are there to answer questions about BP on the BPA Forum. If you have a question about any aspect of hypertension, lifestyle or diet that's the place to go.

They have a helpline too, the number is 0845 241 0989 and it's open 11am-3pm, Monday to Friday.

Thursday, 15 October 2009


A product I've missed while I've been offline...Saltrite table salt substitute contains only 0.08% sodium, and (according to the manufacturer) tastes great.

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Kill or Cure?

Damn you, Daily Mail
Originally uploaded by floongle
I spend a fair bit of time reading health-related news items, so this website tickled me. It aims to "help to make sense of the Daily Mail’s ongoing effort to classify every inanimate object into those that cause cancer and those that prevent it". The number of things which are claimed do both (e.g. alcohol, milk), according to various studies, should remind us just how much research there needs to be before a definitive answer is found.

Which reminds me of the site Sense about Science, which I urge anybody using the internet to read up on health issues to take a look at.

News Roundup from CASH and the BPA

While I've been offline, CASH have of course been continuing their excellent work (for which they've received an award from the Chief Medical Officer), highlighting the sodium levels in foods targetted at those on special diets (I have one of those nasty nut allergies, so a subject close to my heart).

Also, the Blood Pressure Association has confirmed what your gran always told you, that porridge is the best possible breakfast, and that there may be an explanation for how vegetables help to lower your BP. Know Your Numbers Week was last month, and a survey showed that black cab drivers throughout the country, like many of us, have high blood pressure, and don't know it.

Also in the news - I have heard that restaurants and retailers are continuing to lower their sodium levels. More on this soon...

Monday, 12 October 2009

FSA Salt Calculator

Hello again! Thinking of disinterring this blog...and wanted to share this with you.

The FSA have launched a salt calculator here (scroll down a bit), which you can use to more easily compare salt contents of foods. They've also launched an app for the iPhone called FSA Salt, which is free. I've tried it and it's really good. But then I am a bit of a geek.

A great way of fathoming out what the various different labels are trying to tell you.